Saturday, July 9, 2011

Computer Support - Why You Shouldn't Try it Yourself

The center of your media experience. Your number one tool in probably any business you work. The thing you spend hours and hours staring at every day. Your computer.

To say that computers are really important in the day to day life of most people would be an under exaggeration of incredible proportions. It doesn't matter if you use your pc to read news, write emails, video chat, keep up to date with your social networks, work, write, produce or create your computer powers and makes possible much of what you do every day.

That is why the health of your computer is so vital. Whether you are working with a desktop, a hand held, a laptop or a tower, if your pc isn't functioning possibly it could derail your entire day. Take a moment and think about it. Take one simple function that you do every day, like printing or connecting to the internet, and imagine how hard it would be for you if you were unable to perform that operation for a few days. Add onto that the frustration of not knowing what is going on.

There is a lot of advice on the internet for figuring out technical problems, but so much of it ends up being inapplicable since the original poster may be using a different operating system and certainly has a different hardware configuration. Following online advise presupposes, as well, that you can even access the internet and search for possible solutions to your problem. But what if your monitor won't even turn on?

As anyone who as ever worked in computer help or pc support can tell you, when you try to troubleshoot and fix your own problems you can actually further the damage or end up causing even more problems than you had to begin with. There are components necessary for the proper functioning of your system, like registry keys and other system files that can easily be disturbed if you don't know what you are doing.

So having someone who knows the ins and outs of desktop support is certainly beneficial. But taking your computer in to a pc or laptop support location can be frustrating and problematic. Not only do you have to power down and pack up your computer to take it in and wait anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for them to be able to get to it, but there is no guarantee that they will be able to duplicate the issue you were having at all, let alone fix it.

Computer support that you can access either online or by phone becomes a quick and reliable service you can turn to for any type of computer problem. Tech support service plans usually cover everything from computer help and virus removal to printer problems and the ever persistent malice of malware. So no matter if your issue has to do with hardware, software, drivers or peripheral devices, having someone to call who can talk you through the process of identifying and fixing the situation is invaluable.

Inspired from article: